Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dari Meja Presiden

Salam Srikandis,
24th October came and went with many joyous and despair memories. Joyous - had the joy of meeting other Srikandis and eaten the sumptuous potluck spread. Despair - sesat sesesat nya looking for Kak Yun's house. But later jumpa juga rumahnya.........

Kak Yun, the EXCO and all the Srikandis would like to register our appreciation for your generous offer of your house to hold the Potluck Gathering 2009 cum HariRaya Eid Fitri 1430Hijriah. And Kak Yun, Kak Yun and Dato and all the family-members were such gracious host. Sesat sesesat nya became a memorable component of the Gathering, hosted by Kak Yun - cum - Batch 70.

Many yang tak dapat datang have expressed their disappointment for not being able to be at the Potluck Gathering 2009/ HariRaya Eid Fitri 1430Hijriah.

Hopefully we would still have a volunteer for 2010 Potluck Gathering/ HariRaya 1431Hijriah.

Once again Kak Yun, thank you..thank you..thank you !

Kind regards,
SK72 Mek Yam Jusoh

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Meeting Exco Srikandi - 28 Oct 2009

Meeting Exco Srikandi telah berlangsung di Hotel Singgahsana pada 28 Oct 2009 dari pukul 6 petang - 8 malam. Selepas meeting kami berjemaah disurau hotel.
Sebahagian dari agenda meeting ialah untuk meneruskan aktiviti yang telah dipersetujui.
Aktiviti terdekat ialah Pertandingan Karaoke pada 20 Nov 2009. Sepatutnya Laila 91 yang akan menguruskannya , tetapi buat masa ini Laila tidak sihat, exco akan cuba lantik sk lain. Atau... sesiapa yang nak volunteer....?
Pada bulan december kita harap dapat menjalankan aktiviti Grooming.............
Dll............ Harap mendapat sambutan sk.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The role model of Muslim women, part 1

In the Nmae of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah hi wabarakatuh

I would like to share some note from the women's halaqah I attended recently. I think most of us have probably heard or read about this topic, but for me, no matter how many time I hear it, I learnt or realized different things.

Imam Ahmad recorded that Ibn `Abbas said, "The Messenger of Allah drew four lines on the ground and said,(Do you know what these lines represent) They said, `Allah and His Messenger know best.' He said, The best among the women of Paradise are Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, Fatimah bint Muhammad, Maryam bint `Imran and Asiyah bint Muzahim, wife of Fir`awn.)

It is confirmed in the Two Sahihs from Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari that the Messenger of Allah said,
Many men have reached the level of perfection, but none among women have reached this level except Asiyah -- Fir`awn's wife, Maryam--the daughter of `Imran, and Khadijah--the daughter of Khuwaylid.

Let us look at how these women reach their level of perfection state (ihsan). In Surah Tahrim (66) verse 11 to 12, the story of Asiyah bint Muzahim and Maryam, Um Isa alaihisalam is related:

11) And Allah citeth an example for those who believe: the wife of Pharaoh when she said: My Lord! Build for me a home with thee in the Garden, and deliver me from Pharaoh and his work, and deliver me from evil-doing folk;
12) And Mary, daughter of 'Imran, whose body was chaste, therefor We breathed therein something of Our Spirit. And she put faith in the words of her Lord and His scriptures, and was of the obedient.

In tafsir Ibn Kathir for ayah 11

Qatadah said, "Fir`awn was the most tyrannical among the people of the earth and the most disbelieving. By Allah! His wife was not affected by her husband's disbelief, because she obeyed her Lord. Therefore, let it be known that Allah is the Just Judge Who will not punish anyone except for their own sins.'' Ibn Jarir recorded that Sulayman said, "The wife of Fir`awn was tortured under the sun and when Fir`awn would finish the torture session, the angels would shade her with their wings. She was shown her house in Paradise.'' Ibn Jarir said that Al-Qasim bin Abi Bazzah said, "Fir`awn's wife used to ask, `Who prevailed' When she was told, `Musa and Harun prevailed', she said, `I believe in the Lord of Musa and Harun.' Fir`awn sent his aides to her and said to them, `Find the biggest stone. If she insists on keeping her faith, throw the stone on her, otherwise she is my wife. When they came to her, she looked up to the sky and was able to see her house in Paradise. She persisted on the faith and her soul was then captured. The stone was thrown on her lifeless body.'' This is the meaning of her statement,

(My Lord! Build for me a home with You in Paradise, and save me from Fir`awn and his work,) means, `deliver me from him, because I am innocent of his actions.

Now, try to imagine that: you are married to one of the richest king who is a kafir/tyrant, living in the life of luxury, big palaces, all jewelery, beautiful clothes and perfume, you can have anything you want and servants/slaves doing anything and everything for you, will you be able to stand up against your kafir/tyrant and give everything up for your believe to receive tortures and getting stone thrown on your body? Allah spared her from feeling the pain it seems because her soul was taken before the stone was thrown to her, Masya Allah.

Ibn Kathir explained this verse (And We breathed into it (private part) through Our Ruh,) meaning, through the angel Jibril. Allah sent the angel Jibril to Maryam, and he came to her in the shape of a man in every respect. Allah commanded him to blow into a gap of her garment and that breath went into her womb through her private part; this is how `Isa was conceived.

Now try to imagine the trials Maryam went through. You lived in the temple all your life, a man came (Gabriel in the form of a man) and breath the spirit of new baby into you and walla, you conceive a baby, who talks as a baby! What a "scandal"! And she has to endure trials upon trials, on account of being Allah's chosen.

How have we been tested? Have we passed them, or do we repeat the same trial?

Now let us look at the life of Fatimah and Khadijah. Before Khadijah married Muhammad (saw), she was a wealthy woman. She loved and supported her husband and was the first woman to believe in his message. She sacrificed everything for Allah's sake and died poor and hungry. Can we make the same sacrifice?

I imagine Fatimah as a quiet, obedient daughter. I read a hadith stating that her disposition is very similar to her father, Rasullullah (saw). The mahr for her marriage to Ali is a mail-chain, I think some kind of shield. She used to grind her own grain and draw water from the well. Can you imagine any of our present day princess or even minister's daughter living and working like Fatimah?

We dream and talk about wanting Jannah. Do you know that Jannah is expensive? Are we willing to do whatever it takes to get there? What have you sacrificed lately?
We want our daughters to be like Fatimah, are we raising them the same way the Prophet raised her?

In the beginning of the school year this year, President Obama deliver a special message to the school children in America. Aliyyah (5 years old)came home and told me about it. She mentioned that President Obama told the children to stop watching TV, to tell their parents to stop watching TV. He told them about how his mother used to wake him up at 4 o'clock to help him study and that he wants the children to work and study hard. It makes a big impression on her and I think she will remember it all her life. I shed a tear when I think about his mother's sacrifice and how Allah has rewarded her through her son. May Allah give him guidance for he has bring hope and help to the Muslim in America and around the world.

For those who are new to the blog, I live in Silver Spring Maryland, USA and Aliyyah is my daughter.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

24 Oktober 2009 - Srikandi Raya Potluck

Setelah menetapkan hari untuk mengadakan sambutan hari raya di rumah Datin Dr Mahyunah di Putra Jaya, kami pun mewarwarkan melalui sms, Face Book dan egroup agar dapat mengumpul seramai mungkin srikandi untuk acara sekali setahun ini. Alhamdulillah ramai srikandi yang datang dengan membawa bermacam2 juadah dan kasih sayang. Semua yang datang bersedia untuk dipeluk, di cium dan berkata-kata dengan penuh kemesraan. Melihat keakraban yang terjalin sangat membahagiakan.
Apabila mengadakan majlis potluck, makanan yang terhidang sangat banyak. Bila tiba saat pulang, pasti ada buah tangan yang akan iringi bersama. Satu meja tidak cukup, dua meja pun tidak cukup untuk hidangan, diantaranya ialah rojak mamak, ayam goreng, paru goreng, ketupat lemak, ayam pedas, ketupat nasi, rendang ayam, rendang daging, nasi lemak, chicken pie, lasagne, koleh kacang, cheese tart, akok, murtabak, pulut kelapa, kuih koci, lepat, cheese choc cake, dragon fruits, salad buah.....arghh.... banyak lagi yang tak tersebut...
Disini saya dan warga srikandi ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada Kak Yun dan suami kerana telah sudi membenarkan kami berhimpun dirumah yang sangat indah dan selesa. Diwaktu petang kami dapat menikmati keindahan alam diperkarangan rumah sambil berbual jenaka dan seterusnya melihat matahari terbenam waktu senja.
Akhir sekali.. terima kasih KakYun dan terima kasih srikandi kerana sudi datang. Diharapkan lebih ramai lagi srikandi akan berpeluang untuk datang dimajlis sedemikian dimasa akan datang.

Elok pedang kerana bersarung,
Dibuat senjata pergi berperang;
Elok orang suka menolong,
Niatnya mulia hatinya lapang.

Kalau berlabuh pada yang tenang,
Bila berhenti pada yang teduh;
Kalau bersungguh menolong orang,
Kemana pergi takkan bergaduh.

Apa tanda batang berbuah,
Banyak burung hinggap didahan;
Apa tanda orang bertuah,
Banyak menolong sesama insan.

...........jumpa lagi.............cik Na@kak Na

Role Model for Muslim Women

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How to teach reading English to 5-year old (kindergarten)

For those who are new to the blog, this piece is written by Srikandi Juliana Samsu (SPM 1980) who is currently residing in Silver Spring, Maryland, a surburb of Washington, D.C. She shares her experience as a wife, mother, Sunday School teacher, Camp Director, proud Muslimah in the midst of this millennium of the Islamic Revival and Gold Rush.

In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

Last week, on October 14, 2009, I attended the Academic Night at my daughter’s, Aliyyah, school. Aliyyah is five and in kindergarten, at Cloverly Elementary School, one of the best school in Montgomery County (one of the best and richest county in the US). I can say this about Aliyyah’s school because I don’t recall going for such meeting for Muhammad (we were in Bergen County, a well off county in New Jersey) or Rasheed.

The teachers’ goal is to bring the kindergartner to reading at level 6 by the end of the school year. The parents were called in so we can be partners with the teacher on how to teach the children to read. I don’t recall how I learnt to read and write English. Nowadays, I think I switch between English and Melayu when I think. Hopefully, I will also add Arabic and several other languages to the list of language I master before I die, Insya Allah.

A little bit about school system in the US (at least in the East Coast).
a. All public school is provided, free of charge. This also include bus transportation if you live a distance from school and books. Children usually go to the schools in their neighborhood. I mean we do not pay any fees at all. They can’t even ask us to provide school supplies, just “donation” of supplies. Even if you have to take public transportation, they give you deep discount or free ride for students. For example, we pay $10 a month for Rasheed to take the public bus in the morning; the regular fare is $1.35 one-way.
b. There’s no central/federal control of schools budget. The school budget is done at county level. So you want to live in a rich county, which has nice big houses (people pay higher taxes here) than in the urban area, where people with big paychecks live.
c. At middle and high school level, you can check your child’s school progress and homework online, which is updated at least weekly if not daily. I like this because the children cannot lie about their status or homework at any time.
d. Starting from middle school, you can pick and choose the subjects you want your child to study. This is my husband’s area of expertise, I let him handle it. Rasheed is taking Algebra (he’s 12) at a level that we were taking it in Form Four or Five when I was in high school. So you can manage and push your child classes at his level. He is also in the Gifted and Talented program, so his classes are harder, preparing him for college level work at high school level. We are aiming for him to get scholarship to WestPoint or the Naval Academy, Insya Allah.

Muslims in America have a lot of work to do. We must participate in American society or we will perish. We must prepare our children to be strong in their deen, well-rounded and excel at all levels. Their names, looks, behavior all show that they are Muslims, subject to prejudice, discrimination and suspicions. Although Aliyyah is only five and the only girl who do so, we have her wear hijab to school. Alhamdullillah, she is secure and strong in her deen.

Peer pressure is strong and it goes both way. The other day one of my "sons" told me that there are now a lot of boys in his high school who are walking around with their pants folded up because they are copying the Muslims boys who do that to their pants after making wudu to pray at their school. We both laughed because these kids don't even know why they are doing it.

Anyway, I will share with you what the teachers said. Perhaps this will help you to teach your child or grandchild, since I know from my recent visit to Malaysia, speaking and reading English is a challenge and facing flip flop policy in the language of instructions in teaching of Math and Science do not help the children in mastering this language.

There are five main factors that determine success of a reader:
1. Phonemics Awareness – identify words beginning with the same sound; hear rhymes; break words into parts’ blend sounds together
2. Phonics – identify all upper and lower case letters (Bb); match sounds to letters, read simple high frequency words
3. Vocabulary
4. Fluency
5. Comprehension

Then, there’s the writing part.

They gave me flash cards of alphabets to use and a list of 25 sight words, and they are:

you said go on my we am can to this
is see the at come up look in it and
like me here I a

At this level also, they are emphasizing comprehension. Asking your child good questions BEFORE, DURING and AFTER reading can increase their understanding.

BEFORE READING (looking at the title and the cover)
What do you think this story might be about? WHY?
Do you think this book looks like it will be real or make-believe? WHY?

What do you think might happen next? WHY?
Why do you think ….?
What else could (the character) has done instead of ….?

What is the book about/What is the main idea? (this should be answered in more than 3-4 sentences)
What happened FIRST? In the MIDDLE? At the END of the story? (retell should be 1 2 sentences for each part of the story)
Could this story have really happened? (If no – why not)

According to these teachers, this is rocket science. I think we underestimate our children’s ability sometimes. We are requiring a child like Aliyyah to learn to read and write English (reading from left to right, from front to back) and to also learn to read and write Arabic (reading from right to left, from back to front) and speak Melayu in an English speaking country. Some of you have met Aliyyah, so do you think she can do it? You bet! Your own children are doing all this right now. You have been asking your children to learn Bahasa Malaysia and English (a foreign language), read and write Al-Quran and Jawi and learn Islam. Sometimes we don't sit down and reflect on this enough.

Many of you here are retired and have some spare time. Why not lend a helping hand to the overworked working parents by helping them to teach their children? It will be your amal jariah that will benefit you long after you are gone, as long as that child is reading and benefitting from your help, Insya Allah.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Honeyed Chicken Casserole - Shana

Honeyed Chicken Casserole

Chicken pieces

Potato wedges(skin on)
3 onions (wedges)
Button mushrooms
4 tomatoes(wedges)
1 carrot - cut into pieces
1 piece celery - cut into pieces
4-5 cups water
1 cube chicken ctock
2 spoons tomato puree
2 spoons honey
2 spoons mild mustard.

Cara2 memasak:
1. Gaul chicken pieces with salt and pepper and place in a casserole dish.

2. Add potoes, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, carrots and celery to the casserole.

3. Mix water with chicken stock cube, tomato puree, honey, mild mustard and pour mixture over chicken pieces.

4. Cook using Cinvection Microwave Oven/Grill for 25 - 30 minutes at 2000 deg C, at 70% Power, turning 2 - 3 times during cooking time.

Siap.... Selamat mencuba

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Resipi Poached Egg - Alah

Resipi Poached Egg

Masak air sampai mendidih, kurangkan api,masukkan secepis garam dan sedikit minyak, pecahkan telur dalam cawan, tuang kedalam air panas tadi. bila kelur dah timbuk dan telur kuning bersalut putih, angkat jimat2 dengan senduk jarang, toskan air sekejap, letak atas pinggan, tarok garam & serbuk lada, makan.

p/s Selamat mencuba...............

Resipi Telur Yang Sangat Menggiurkan

Resipi Telur Yang Sangat Menggiurkan
Dari Kak Alah untuk Hana
8 oct 2009

Rebus telur 20 biji dibuang kulit dibelah 2 = 40 belah. Keluarkan semua kuning telur, mash dlm mixing bowl, campur garam, serbuk lada sulah, serbuk cili, mix wth a bit of mayo or fresh yogurt( to keep it sticky). Masukkan balik dalam telur sebelah tadi.
Lepas tu buat batter, sesuka hati mu, Hana, batter telur saja ke, batter dari besan flour ataupun batter goreng pisang. Celup telur sebelah tadi dan goreng sampai kuning emas. Tosskan atas kitchen paper towel.

p/s...besan flour..????