Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Message from Madam President

ASWT , Srikandis yang dikasihi,

Am sure we all have read the recounts of B2S by SK Wardah and SK Mum. The programme we organised for the adik-adik was well received. There was one BIG complaint; " not enough professions ". There was no banking, accountancy, law, doctor, dentist etc etc. We were requested to come again before the Puasa. We hope there would be more SKs who could come to the Career Guidance Session.

The Pengetua, SK Junaidi shared with us her wish to create a Gallery Srikandi. It is at the area immediatelly behind the main steps to the office. She envisage that a couple of corriders would be constructed along which cupboards to house all the trophies won by STF, and a miniature garden !

She is requesting, and we think it is a very good idea, that each batch of the Srikandis sponsor an item or many items. These items would then be marked as " sponsored by Srikandi 1972", as an example. This means that SK72 has sponsored this particular item. It could be a chair, the cupboard, the clock etc etc.

Girls, what do you think?

On another note, the Kementerian give points on how strong is the relationship between the Alumni and the school. STF is building up profile of the Srikandis. Attached is the form. We would like to request that as many Srikandis to fill up the forms and return it to SK Harsa at harsa.afina@, soonest possible.

kind regards
SK72 Mek Yam Jusoh.

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