Monday, April 5, 2010

Dari Meja Presiden : CHAPTERS

ASWT, Srikandis,
on the 3rd April 2010, we had a fruitful AGM at Hotel Singgahsana. a reasonable place in terms of price and reach for many Srikandis.

A few decisions were passed. one of them is to officialise the formation of CHAPTER per state. SK N Mariana has been calling for hands-ups. and there have been several hands-ups. SK Harsa will be calling the SKs to offiicialise the formation as well as to include the information in our web-site.

SK Harsa has graciously agreed to be the CHAPTER HEAD for Kedah, and SK Adeeb the CHAPTER HEAD for Johore.

And I know SK Normah Ahmad has been the 'king-pin' for Kelantan. and a number of SKs for Penang. Things may not be perfect yet, but any time is a good time to start the ball rolling !

The EXCO has also agreed to appoint SK Harsa as the resident web-master for Srikandi Tun Fatimah. We will update the Takwim 2010-2011 in due course. any suggestions are always welcome.

kind regards,
SK72 Mek Yam Jusoh.

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